We are the AUB Book Club! 📚✨ Dedicated to people who love books, cosy vibes and chill hangouts!
Do you like movie nights, crafty events, hot drinks and a nice chat? Then maybe you should concider joining the AUB Book Club! (BU Students also welcome!)
We want to be a low effort, relaxing and welcoming society for people who like reading - but we're not like other book clubs ...
We know you're all very busy and on different schedules, so instead of making everyone read the same book, members can bring along whichever book they want, or none at all! Reading is not compulsory during our meetings, and we don't always talk about books (we've discussed the flying speed of carrier pigeons or the grate cheese robbery), but book recs, literature discourse and obsessing over your current read are highley encouraged! Book slander also allowed.
We meet at Campus for activitiy nights Tuesdays and for coffee in town on Saturdays. Come along whichever day you like, and stay for as long as you can. We look forward to seeing you!
✨ Follow us on Instagram @aub_bookclub